Opened in October of 2008 Westfield London Shopping Centre is Europe's largest mall. So how does it compare with our beloved Mall of America? It may not be bigger, but it is no doubt better. Sure it only has 255 stores compared to MOA's 520, there's no amusement park or massive food cafeteria. Rather it's what this mall lacks that makes it better, I didn't see a single gothed-out emo girl with her pathetic teenage bad-ass skateboarding boyfriend waltzing through a hot topic to pick out the most ripped up, silver studded rags that cost $80 so they can show everyone else just how unique their personal style is.
Westfield shopping center was one classy establishment, good brands decent prices, some unique food choices (I had a mock Chipotle that wasn't nearly as good as the real thing). I honestly think if Isaac Adler visited this mall he may just renounce his U.S. citizenship.
This mall even featured a special section reserved for the top brands. "The Village" featured Dior, Prada, Gucci, Movado, etc. Naturally I picked out a few Mothers day gifts and birthday presents to bring home (NOT!). Below is a picture of me below 1 of 3 crystal chandeliers in the classier part of the mall.
So if you're in London on a rainy day (which can be quite often) give the Westfield center a shot. It's right across the street from the BBC headquarters which offers free tours so you can make a day of it.
~Sir Ross Samuel Leder