G-D save the Queen cause the dynamic duo that is Mark and Susan have arrived. I would normally have saved this post till after they left, but I don't feel like studying, I'm all caught up on Hulu and I've got nothing better to do. Enjoy the pictures and the story at the bottom.
[At the Meantime Union Pub in Greenwich (Mom ordered the BEST salmon)]
[Me and Mom touring the Tower of London]
[Tea Time in the Trafalger Tavern]
[The Royal Observatory in Greenwich]
[IT'S A LUIGI! (super nintendo reference) ]
The BRITISH Sense of Humor
I'm scoping out the Orangrie at Kensigton palace to see if it's a good place to have afternoon tea. There's a line to get in and a well dressed host walks out to an American family at the front of the line and asks "How many today?" The father replies "five please" Host frowns ever so slightly, looks down at his table list on the podium for a moment and looks back at the family while his glasses are perched ever so snobbingly at the tip of his nose and says in a cold tone "now, would that be a high five or a low five?" The father looks confused and nervous as he has no idea how to reply and genuinly thinks if he doesn't answer the question correctly he won't get a table. After a 5 second awkward pause, the man's 10 year old daughter sprouts a grin, raises her arm and eagerly says "HIGH FIVE!" The host and the girl slap hands and he then proceeds to seat the family. Perfect example of the British sense of humor!
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