Anyway it's been awhile since my last update, so here we go...
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, while I do like the Queen Mary College their organization leaves much to be desired. We're now in week 4 and I have just discovered I have been left off of the class email list. This became apparent on Tuesday morning when I arrived at my international business discussion section ready to discuss the motivating factors and trade conditions that led to the South African Brewery acquisition of Miller Brewing, when low-and-behold according to an email I never received we we're suppose to have read a case regarding the rise of the Indian software industry. I've straightened out the matter and am now receiving the emails.
This past Tuesday I went to a night club for Bethany's (a British friend of mine) 2oth birthday party. Keep in mind, most students go out on the weeknights in London since it's much cheaper than the weekends. The club was called Zoo Bar and it was everything you'd expect from a euro "discotech". Flashing lights, thumping techno music and overpriced drinks. I'm not the biggest fan of nightclubs, but this did turn out to be a great night and the euro club experience is something every young American tourist should have.
Some friends of mine, on my right is Sam she's one of my Minnesotan flatmates and on my right is Ali, also from the University of Minnesota.
Pictured above: Bethany (the birthday girl) and Sean, two British friends of mine.
The next day, I met up with Alexander Abrams, Michael Kaplan, Danny Kanter and Michael Glotter at the National Gallery. Zander, Kaplan and Kanter were in London for two days on their way to Prague. As always it's good to see some folks from home. Zander came along with me to meet my cousin Andrew Gruen for lunch. Andrew treated us to lunch at a fantastic Japanese restaurant not too far from the British Museum.
That night I saw Wicked musical. Aside from Avenue Q, this was my first "real" musical since seeing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat years ago. I gotta say, I really enjoyed the show and the voices were stunning.
Yesterday I journeyed to the city of Bath. My favorite thing about the city, is that they're honest... it's called Bath and that's about all there is to see. The Roman Baths are astounding works of ancient engineering accomplishment, but after that the city just doesn't have much to offer... especially in the winter.
This is the main pool.
Me and Glotter.
The rest of the day in Bath we spent pretty much wandering the town, trying to find things to do/see. We eventually settle on seeing a movie! So my advice for Bath, go for the summer and you really only need 6 hours at the maximum to enjoy the city.
Well that's all for now. I hope everything is well with those at home.
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