So I wish I could say a lot has happened since my last blog post, but truthfully I don't have much to report. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, there just comes a point in studying abroad when everything "new" eventually develops into what's familiar. In other words, I've adapted and feeling rather comfortable out here.
Nevertheless though, I've committed to keeping this blog both for everyone back home as well as a keepsake for myself years down the line so here's my update.
Classes are going o.k... this isn't an attack on the British education system or even Queen Mary University but I have to say my classes are not quite the challenge I had hoped for. It's not necessarily the lecturers or the facilities, rather many (not all) of the students in my courses don't have the same energy in class as back home. For the first time since high school, I've been in classes where there are literally students having full conversations while the professor is talking, and in a couple of cases I've even spotted paper planes on the floors as I left. Now it's not all negative of course. I will admit my Managerial accounting professor is spectacular and really does a stellar job with his courses (the question is why is wasting his time at Queen Mary!)
As the situation in Israel cooled down so did my campus. The unauthorized "occupation" of Francis Bancroft Lecture Theatre came to an end and the Palestinian flag hanging from the Management building was removed promptly by school administrators. Finally the Gaza Appeal bake sale ended has also ceased.
For my social life things are doing well. I have become closer with my flat mates and have managed to meet a lot of cool people in my courses. Last Sunday I went to "Booze for Jews" which was a club night organized by the London Union of Jewish Students. I left a few pictures courtesy of my friend Chani Unger (I forgot to bring my own camera).
[I just had to add this pic
[Me and the Unger family]
[Youngest Unger, Meni Unger, Michael G, Neilli, Chani, Me and not sure who that is]

Well that's all I have for now, I hope you didn't find the post too boring and if you did then stop reading it! I will certainly have some excitement for you soon, this next week following an evaluation on Monday I have "Spring break" and I am heading to Dublin, Ireland with my friend Michael Glotter and then I'm off too Prague to visit Zander, Michael Kaplan and Danny Kanter.
Again if your down in Naples, have a great weekend I wish I could be down there.
Ross Leder
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