This last week, our campus really started to ramp up their Gaza support by organizing daily protests outside the Queen Mary administration building, so that means on my way out of accounting I get greeted by 80 students chanting "free free Palestine!"
I thought I'd post this flyer I found underneath my door last night. The Queen Mary Stop the War Coalition is making a statement by "occupying" a lecture theatre without school consent. They're demands include:
1. Queen Mary University end their investments in Defense companies
2.Queen Mary support the coalitions efforts in raising aid and awareness for those affected by the conflict
3.10 scholarships be provided by Queen Mary to be awarded to Palestinian students.
You can read a full list of their absurd demands at their blog.
I wrote this post just to give a taste of the differences between the American and British school systems. Just as in the states most people who protest are probably just seeking attention and self satisfaction, but what makes it different is how much bullshit the British students get away with... they actually managed to drape a Palestinian flag down the side of the Management school building!
I liked your use of the British spelling "theatre." I'd also watch out for those Gaza cookies, who knows what type of shit they're putting in them. Crazy stuff though.